29/1/2018 0 Comments My Traits - CompletedI finally settled on this. I didn't want to take this task too seriously as I just wanted to mess around with the composition of it and have a joke about my bullet points. The obvious choices would have been: "I am always on time", "I can work in a team", etc. But that's boring and should be expected of everyone anyway.
29/1/2018 1 Comment My Traits - ContinuedI was having a struggle trying to think about what exactly to put on the sheet, and how to lay it out. It seemed a bit daft to make something really elaborate so I focused on making some really simple decoration of my preference just to kind of jazz it up a bit.
25/1/2018 0 Comments Professional Practice: My TraitsSo, we've been instructed to create an A4 sheet of our traits. This ranges from unique aspects so genuine skills. I've only just had a think about this tonight but decided to get a page of scruffy notes put down so I at least have content before thinking about how I'll interestingly lay it out. Pink is general stuff about me personally, green is career-relevant stuff.
This is my first step of documenting the process. Join me on what will hopefully be a semi interesting quest. |
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All artwork on this website is the property of Lüdia Creative.
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